
McCoy Park

24 Highway & N Delaware St

Business Review

A large, popular park with two playgrounds, a water spray park, and a playground that is wheelchair accessible

Restrooms: Yes, building located in the upper portion of the park

Drinking Fountain: Yes, located near the water spray park area

Parking: Big parking lot

Space to fly a kite? Yes, has big open space with no trees

Space to practice riding a bike? Yes, on the sidewalk trail

Large field for playing? Yes

Other features of the park: Water spray park, baseball field, horseshoe pits

*Lower, north playground

Playground equipment: toddler equipment, big kid equipment, wheelchair accessible equipment

Playground fill: Wood chips

Types of Swings: No swings

Benches near the playground: 2 benches

Walking trail near the playground? Sidewalk surrounds the playground, lots of sidewalk trails for walking

Shade: Playground is not shaded

Picnic tables and shelters: 3 tables in the picnic shelter

*Upper, southeastern playground

Playground equipment: toddler equipment, big kid equipment, wheelchair accessible equipment

Playground fill: Rubber surface

Types of Swings: 2 regular swings, 1 adult+baby double swing, 4 swings for children with disabilities

Benches near the playground: 3 sets of 2 under sunshades

Walking trail near the playground? No walking trail near playground, but the park itself has walking trails

Shade: Playground is not shaded, a few benches are in the shade

Picnic tables and shelters: 2 shelters of 2 tables, 1 shelter with 5 tables, 1 with shelter with 1 table